Monday 26 March 2012

One to One tuiton

We have been inaudated with loads of requests for One to One tutiton classes.Fortunately, we have enough teachers to meet demand. We can teach in the comfort of your own home or at a public venue such as a cafe, park, etc. The decision is entirely up to you, we can guarantee you will have a fun, creative time. We can also teach you and a friend or family member.

In addtion, we have been getting ready for Easter classes. As the summer approaches we are looking at the options of having classes outdoors, preferably in a park but we are also aware that this may not be to everyone's taste. So we may have to vote and then set a date for those who want to be taught outdoors, they will of course be free to bring a picnic. If you or any of your loved ones are interested please contact us via our site or just email us privately at

We will keep posted, in the meantime please feel free to visit our site.

Dee Jewellery School Team